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In order to have a general view of our film opening, Ruxi and I worked on the raw montage. We put together some of our best shots and ordered them, without adding sound or any effects and editing. For the final version we will probably change the order of some of the dream scenes so that they have a greater impact on the audience. Also, we must remove some parts or make shots shorter so that we fit the two minute limit for the final version

Raw montage 

Demure-first version 

Ruxi and I completed a call sheet template so that we are familiar with its contents. However we did not respect it completely and we only completed one, for the first day of filming. We did not necessarily need such a strict schedule because we only had one actor and we didn't need a lot of time to finish filming everything.

Demure-second version

Call sheet 


Ruxi and I started looking for fonts for the text on different sites. We were thinking of using something simple and maybe lowercase for the names as well, so that we don't attract attention to the text but keep the audience focused on the actions of the character. The title will appear at the end of the openening, similar or the same as the rest of the text.

The main improvement of this version is the color correction, I managed to get more experience and understand how the color levels work in Adobe Premiere and I gave the film opening a more cinematic, professional image.


I also made the text smaller and I overlay-ed the title over the last shot so the audience can associate the word "Demure" with the character and the setting. Moreover, when we filmed this shot we actually thought that the title would fit on the wall above the bed

This is the first complete version of Demure, with music, voice, editing, color correction and text. Ruxi and I used a 30 day trial of Adobe Premiere to complete our film opening task.


For music, we used a segment of "Do you know where I should go" form Cigarettes After Sex, which consisted of distant bongs and various sounds that could fill the background. Also, for the main soundtrack, we chose a part from David Lynch's "The air is on fire" album, this strange and dark music helps create tension in a very suited way for the film. I worked a lot on synchronizing the sound of the bongs with certain cuts in the movie, and the key moments of the dreams with the a loud sound from "The air is on fire".

For the beginning sequence where Fele talks into the camera, Ruxi and I recorded his voice separately, using an iPhone. Then Ruxi did the layover with the image. This was quite difficult for us because we had to cut each small phrase or word and fit it to the movement of his lips and face.


We also struggled with fitting our film opening in two minutes, this is when we decided were going to use jump cuts .


Demure-final version

This is the final version of Demure. Ruxi and I worked on this project for many months and now that it's finally in it's final version we are very proud of our  product. 

In my opinion we improved so much through this project not only from a practical point of view , but also organisationaly .

What also helped a lot throughout the production process was also the fact that me ,Ruxi and Fele are very good friends and we worked really harmoniously together .

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